Spray Foam Insulation is a cost-effective, superior choice for exterior commercial wall solution for modern building design. This 3-in-1 product acts as insulation, air barrier, and vapor retarder with lower installed costs, reduced labor and less waste. The modern approach to continuous insulation smoothly and completely cover all areas of the wall assembly. Plus, our Icynene ProSeal Eco spray foam product can be used 12 months a year in all climates.
Spray Foam: A modern approach to continuous insulation

An Introduction to ETFE Architecture (Architectural Design)
Discover why Icynene closed cell spray foam insulation offers superior performance to rigid XPS foam sheathing board... and at a lower installed cost!The Performance Benefits of using Medium Density Spray Foam in Continuous Insulation Applications

The purpose of this white paper is to highlight several important performance and application facts that demonstrate why medium density spray foam is the superior choice in exterior continuous insulation applications. Findings within this white paper are based on field experience obtained on construction sites, and from testing and evaluations conducted for ICC-ES reports and Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) programs according to appropriate industry and building code performance criteria.
Icynene ProSeal Eco

Icynene ProSeal Eco is the world's first fully water-blown spray foam insulation. With no synthetic blowing agent, Icynene ProSeal Eco has significantly expanded the possibilities of commercial wall assembly applications. Watch this video now.
Icynene - Spray Foam Insulation

Howard Deck, President of ICYNENE, discusses the benefits of using high performance ICYNENE spray foam insulation in buildings and homes. Watch the video now.
Design/Build strategies to reduce the threat of moisture

In the design process few decisions have as many long-term implications for the performance and durability of a building as the choice of insulation. For the designer, builder and owner, insulation can and should play a multifaceted role that extends far beyond those noticeable or expected benefits, such as energy savings, comfort and enhanced indoor air quality. Insulation, in combination with good detailing and quality control, can play a preventive role by minimizing the chances that things could go wrong.
Improving commercial building performance and sustainability

A unique opportunity is at hand for commercial architects to shape a healthier and more energy efficient future of commercial building design and construction. Commercial buildings account for 18% of the nation’s energy use and nearly 18% of our greenhouse gas emissions. Improving their performance is a key priority for building owners and operators. Low-density spray foam insulation like ICYNENE can play a major role in this effort, offering compelling reasons to go beyond the code to create buildings that exceed expectations for comfort, performance and functionality.
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