Resilient and Sustainable Brick: Another Look at a Time-Honored Material

Brick is a resilient and sustainable material used in high-performance buildings, a key aspect of sustainable design. Sustainable design considers the health and well-being of building occupants and the concept of resilience, which is to withstand extreme weather events, then quickly repair and re-occupy.

The learning objectives explore the age old material, which has gained traction in resilient design and discusses how buildings constructed of the material provide occupant comfort in terms of thermal, acoustic, and non-VOC emissions.


Lasting Benefits and New Advancements in Clay Segmental Pavement (Print Course)

This course will provide foundational knowledge about clay pavers, explore their benefits and features, and cover what architects and builders need to know for successful specification and installation.


Shaping the Future of Brick: Modern Manufacturing of an Age-Old Material (Print Course)

Brick manufacturing has essentially remained the same since ancient times, but modern manufacturing techniques are much more efficient and sustainable, producing a more durable product. This course will explore the history of brick manufacturing, how the process has evolved, and the continual improvements brick manufacturers are making to shape the future of brick design.
