This recorded presentation led by Christine Serlin, editor for Affordable Housing Finance, Multifamily Executive, and Builder, provides insight on the motivations and priorities of the next generation of renters.
Multi-Family Executive - Concept Community Report
Gen Z is unlike any group before them. Who are they? What motivates and worries them? How should you position your properties to claim your fair share of Gen Z business? In this 16-page report of exclusive content, multifamily leaders share insights and strategies.
CHOWA Concept Home-Journey to Completion Video

The design of the Chowa Home is focused on balance and harmony, derived from the Japanese meaning of the word. This video shows you how the collaborative effort between Japanese and US Builders created a luxury concept home that provides solutions for creative building through flexible design and better building processes.
#BuildersAreEssential webinar series—The Future Is Now
We turn our attention to the role of innovation, data, and technology in matching people with their homes. This session will bring the very latest real-time consumer search and buyer behavior to light. Learn how home builders are compressing six years of innovation in moving customers from contact to contract in VR-and-AI-enabled, people friendly, friction-free processes, fit for post-COVID recovery.
#BuildersAreEssential webinar series— The Big Reset—Supply, Demand, and Animal Spirits - Episode 5
Are we there yet? Have we hit bottom? What does recovery look like?
Watch a data-driven, evidence-based look at near- and longer term trends emerging from COVID-19, and what that means to cash, expenses, and mid-term investment. The key speakers include Robert Dietz, Chief Economist, NAHB and Ali Wolf, Chief Economist, Meyers Research.
A 6-part web town-hall series from the Hanley Wood Media Coronavirus Construction Center, #BuildersAreEssential explores what’s happening as the coronavirus pandemic sends shock waves through our society – on the public health front, through the very foundations of our economy, and at every level of the construction industry, which stands as one of society’s vital resource streams in good times and bad. We give voice, builder to builder, on what’s timely, how to respond, how to stay safe, and how to keep work in process moving forward in this time of great challenge.
#BuildersAreEssential webinar series—Site Safety, Mid-COVID-19
Episode 4 of the #BuildersAreEssential webinar series—Site Safety, Mid-COVID-19—is now available on-demand. As economies—local, regional, and national—push to reopen, reset, and reboot the urgent new normal, here’s insight and resources on technology, tactics, process remapping, practices, scheduling, logistics to protect builder health and safety.
#BuildersAreEssential webinar Series: How LBM Dealers Are Navigating Through the Coronavirus
The coronavirus has taken the world by storm. As with any severe storm or natural disaster, companies should have a business continuity plan in place to ensure they can navigate their way through any associated challenges.
Hear the discussion: The best ways to keep your employees and customers safe; How to preserve revenue during a stay-at-home order; and What to look for that could indicate an economic turnaround.
2020 LBM Employee Recruitment, Retention, and Training Report

The LBM industry has grown steadily for nine years, with the top 100 ProSales dealers growing their combined revenue to $61.46 billion, according to the 2019 ProSales 100 report. However, this success doesn’t mean the industry is without its challenges. The biggest challenges are in hiring, training, and retaining quality employees, according to more than half (58%) of ProSales magazine readers in a 2019 survey.
In response to this industrywide challenge, Dealer’s Choice and ProSales magazine conducted a joint survey, in 2020, to benchmark the hiring, retention, and training practices of construction supply dealers. The research found that most dealers have recruitment, retention, and training practices, but the degree to which they offer them varies greatly.
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Dealers’ Choice
#BuildersAreEssential Webinar Series: Cash Crash-Course
Now available on demand, episode 2 of the #BuildersAreEssential webinar series—Cash Crash-Course—turns the focus to the existential threat to business viability and the dire need to access cash – both to deal with pauses, and to offset revenue misses due to disruption, as well as other disconnects in the flow of vital resources to the industry right now.
Watch the 30-minute conversation with Steve Friedman, director at CohnReznick, and John McManus, Editorial Director of Hanley Wood’s Residential Group, as they help navigate the cash crunch peril builders face as a threat to survival.
#BuildersAreEssential Webinar Series: Why Essential Matters Now
This webcast explores what “essential” means in the face of recent policies ordering businesses to press pause, and how construction companies and building supply chains are navigating the impact as we are squeezed between an unprecedented public-health emergency and looming economic catastrophe.