This report is the product of over 1800 interviews used to gather a deeper insight into the residential construction industry. It uncovers key issues and emerging trends and provides the data so building companies can benchmark their business against industry standards and discover how the most successful companies systemize and grow operations.
Design Directions

In their exploration of post-pandemic design direction, ARCHITECT Editor-in-Chief Paul Makovsky and Design Director and futurist, Royce Epstein delve into topics of Hybridization (redefining work/live), Sustainability (nature and culture), and the Metaverse and Tech (designing beyond the physical). See what they found.
Embedding Equity in Design Practice

Hear how some in the industry are working to advance impartiality in their firms, and what we should be doing collectively to promote social equity in the built environment.
J Turner Baby Boomer Research
Baby Boomers are poised to have an outsized impact on the rental housing industry now and into the near future. The aging of the baby boomers is creating a dramatic shift in the age composition of the U.S. population. See what the research says about the future of their housing needs.
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