Electric Vehicle Charging: Multi-Family Properties

Electric vehicle sales in the U.S. will clear 4 million in 2023. Is your property EV ready?

Learn more about fully-integrated and flexible charging solutions to help attract and retain residents, plus earn revenue.

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Controlling Bed Bugs with a Resident-Focused Approach

While bed bugs are notorious for their resilience and speedy rate of population growth, there are proven methods for controlling and eliminating infestations. This paper shows how prevention and remediation, when done correctly, reap significant humanitarian and fiscal rewards.

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Innovations in Inclusivity: Bathrooms and Beyond

Equity and inclusivity are top of mind in design now more than ever and bathrooms are an increasingly important part of the human experience. See the latest innovations and methodology in bathroom design encompassing accessibility, gender inclusivity, health and wellness and religion.

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Technology Trends You Need to Know

This paper provides problem solving ideas and suggestions on how to add tech to your projects in unexpected ways.

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CHOWA Concept Home-Journey to Completion Video

The design of the Chowa Home is focused on balance and harmony, derived from the Japanese meaning of the word. This video shows you how the collaborative effort between Japanese and US Builders created a luxury concept home that provides solutions for creative building through flexible design and better building processes.

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