5 Critical Take-Aways from the 2020 BUILDER Concept Home

Hear Sekisui House, Ltd., Marketing General Manager Norio Adachi on what bringing Chōwa to the United States market means to Sekisui House, its leaders, its partners, and its worldwide team of associates.

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Setting GWP Budgets for Concrete Buildings with LCA Based Carbon Accounting Tools

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. Design professionals have always addressed issues of performance, budgets, and aesthetics. Now they are also being asked to evaluate the environmental burdens of their material choices. Every design decision can have an impact on the environment. The methods used to evaluate those decisions can often be misunderstood. This presentation examines the process of quantifying the true global warming potential (GWP) to accurately inform the true impacts of building material choices.

Tools like the web based NRMCA Concrete Carbon Calculator help concrete producers, contractors and design teams to collaborate on setting carbon budgets on projects and compares baseline projects to proposed projects to exceed embodied carbon reduction goals. Step-by-step details will demonstrate how to use the tool to set a carbon budget and write a specification that allows for the lowest possible carbon footprint for the ready mixed concrete proposed for various projects.
