Branch Out: Four Wood Renovations to Increase Home Value

Renovating for long-term ROI can be a balancing act. For homeowners, it’s important that renovations offer immediate benefits while also standing the test of time, both functionally and aesthetically. The key to timeless renovation is functional design rooted in tradition. One of the oldest and most renewable building materials—wood—is sustainable, stylish, and classic.

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2021 IBC: Building Bigger and Taller with Low Carbon Wood (Print Course)

In this course, you’ll learn about the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) changes related to tall wood construction, including three new building types that allow for wood buildings up to 18 stories and even taller using an Alternate Materials and Methods Requests (AMMR). Rigorous fire testing was conducted as part of these code changes to validate the safety of tall mass timber construction. Along with advancements in tall mass timber construction, the course explores design tactics and relevant code applications used to boost the density of light-frame wood construction.

Finally, this course will review the science related to wood’s embodied carbon and life cycle assessment in the context of curbing a building's impact on climate change, including a growing body of research demonstrating how building with timber represents an opportunity to increase the long-term storage of carbon in today’s built environment.


Innovations in Wood: Understanding the Latest Advances in Wood Research and Design

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation with ARCHITECT's Editor in Chief. Specifying wood in building design has a multitude of benefits, including elevating the design of the project, enhancing sustainable initiatives, and incorporating mixed materials for innovative buildings.

In this session, ARCHITECT explores the work and research of several firms using wood for innovative designs.


How Building with Wood Helps Multifamily Developers Succeed

Read about various multifamily construction projects where the use of wood was critical to the success of the building. New design, manufacturing, and construction techniques - coupled with evolutions in building codes - allows light-frame wood and mass timber buildings to reach higher heights and densities. New wood construction also achieves superior design aesthetics and fire safety characteristics in residential buildings.

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