Sustainability, Resiliency & Design: Polymeric Cladding

Sustainability, the ability to maintain a certain level of performance, for a determined amount of time. In this course, we will examine the 3 pillars of sustainability including the impact on the planet or environment, economic impact, and social acceptance. In addition, the course will explore the concept of resiliency and how building materials must be resilient to be sustainable.

Finally, the course will look at how cladding plays a role in these concepts by considering whether or note the material supports a minimal impact to the environment and a defense against elements - such as wind, rain, moisture, and UV rays - that could leave the structure intact with minimal maintenance.


Exploring Sustainable Architectural Terra Cotta Building Products (Print Course)

Terra cotta is an ancient building material that has stood the test of time and is still being manufactured today for traditional roof tiles and innovative rainscreen wall cladding and sunscreen systems. Terra cotta's strengths in terms of thermal insulation, ease of installation, and aesthetic quality provide new scope for architectural creativity. This course will explore how architectural terra cotta products are sustainably manufactured, their key performance benefits, and the many design opportunities and applications available to architects who choose to design with sustainable and durable terra cotta building products..


Advances in Wood Construction and Sustainability: Reimagining the Future of the Built Environment

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation with ARCHITECT's Editor in Chief. How can advances in wood construction and sustainability reimagine the future of the built environment? In this session, ARCHITECT explores the efforts of firms CO Adaptive and Lord Aeck Sargent — the latter of which collaborated with The Miller Hull Partnership on the groundbreaking Kendeda Building in Atlanta — to use wood in sustainable ways.

Each panelist will provide a unique look into the reasons why wood was chosen and how it supports the project needs and goals. Learners will have an opportunity to explore how each project utilized wood in a unique way — through adaptive reuse, low-carbon design, and sustainability, and as an educational experience.


Clone - FPI Management Case Study

With a goal of 100% paperless payments, FPI Management adopted a new platform and mobile app for rent receivables. Learn how this is benefitting the company, the residents and transforming their business.

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Design Options for Aluminum Balconies and Awnings

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. This course will introduce aluminum as an efficient, sustainable alternative to other types of balconies and awnings. Aluminum’s sustainability properties will be examined in addition to its strength and performance characteristics. Bolt-on balconies, also called self-supporting balconies, will also be explored in the context of prefabricated systems. These systems offer practical benefits like ease of installation and added safety. Finally, the course will address key design and installation considerations of these systems as well as building code requirements.


Choosing Sustainable Products with Purpose

According to the 2020 NAHB survey, 66 percent of homebuyers indicated they were willing to go green by incorporating durable materials into their homes. There is a continued focus and demand for builders to use products that are gentle on the environment. Learn more about the products that will shape the neighborhoods of the future and why they are necessary.

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Electric Fireplaces Provide New Heating Strategies for Zero Energy Buildings

Do fireplaces have a role in zero energy projects of our future? The answer is yes, and the optimal solution lies in electric fireplaces. Architects are increasingly focused on Net Zero (NZ), Net Positive (NP), and Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH) as a way to reduce the carbon footprint of projects and meet regulatory mandates. Innovative electric fireplace technologies make them a clean heating alternative, providing the look and feel of a real fire without harmful pollutants.

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Future Proofing Made Simple: Which digital home technologies offer builders the best return on investment in 2021?

Home tech is a wild card. Countless gadgets hit the market every year but don't last. Beyond the basics, the best technologies are those that solve real problems. Two of today’s big challenges are how to accommodate home-based work and how to keep the home's occupants healthy.

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What is IMU: And how can it improve my productivity in 2022?

It's no secret the construction industry in the United States is growing. How do construction companies and contractors keep up with the growth, while battling labor shortages and rising costs? Answer: adopting the right technology.

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J Turner Baby Boomer Research

Baby Boomers are poised to have an outsized impact on the rental housing industry now and into the near future. The aging of the baby boomers is creating a dramatic shift in the age composition of the U.S. population. See what the research says about the future of their housing needs.

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