Hazard Mitigation: Build With Strength

Extreme weather events costs the US billions in recovery every year. Find out why building a resilient structure pays off.

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What Makes ICFs Better

Working with concrete doesn’t get any easier than this. With insulated concrete forms (ICFs), you get strength, flexibility and cost-efficiency all in one method. Once you use it, you’ll see why so many builders adopt the technique – and never look back.

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Ready. Set. Build.

Dr. Jeremy Gregory, MIT research scientist and executive director of the Concrete Sustainability Hub, discusses how the versatility of concrete results in a range of performance benefits.

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Build a More Sustainable Future

Concrete gives you a lasting return on investment. Nothing is stronger, more durable or more versatile. To build a more sustainable future, we build with concrete.

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The 2021 Access Control Field Guide:
A door-by-door guide to securing your entire property.

Within the next three years, 54% of businesses are expected to upgrade to a more sophisticated access control system. But choosing the most functional and cost-effective solution takes more than simply selecting smart locks — it takes a holistic, detailed approach that considers all the ins and outs of a single property, from residential doors to common areas, garages, and even elevators.

RemoteLock's access control field guide provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to help any business of any size get started with access control, choose the most effective locking solution for each and every door, and regularly manage the entire system with access control software.

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Strong Start Points to Record Construction Year

New field software breakthroughs with the use of laser technology. Learn how technology can help your business with measurements, layout speed and performance on future projects.

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Technology: Your Hardest Working & Least Expensive Employee

A completely integrated, cloud-based business management system gives you all the information you need in one spot so you can streamline your processes, reduce your operating costs, and focus on growing your business.

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Mcommerce Is the Present and Future of Ecommerce

Mobile commerce has risen to become the dominant platform in ecommerce, with no signs of slowing down. Are you investing in mcommerce solutions?

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How to Keep Your Business Safe During the Pandemic

Is your business open or are you considering reopening to employees, the public, or both during the pandemic? If so, you’ll need to make sure that your reopening plan is consistent with applicable local and state orders, and that you are ready to protect everyone in your business—especially those at higher risk—from contracting the virus.

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How COVID-19 Has Changed the Workplace

In the aftermath of the pandemic, it took time for home and building supply retailers to best structure their work and retail spaces in order to reduce risk to employees and customers. Creating a welcoming environment while maintaining social distancing called for changes including creating partitions, new directional signage, and adapting policies for protection. Today, worries about productivity, efficiency, connectivity, and collaboration, have dissipated as we’ve developed ways to adapt to a new normal.

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