On-Demand Architectural and Engineering Support: The Times Require Leaner, More Agile Workflow Solutions

Among the lessons that residential architectural and structural engineering firms have learned from the global health crisis is the need for agile design and engineering processes. In good times, that means extra capability to quickly scale as projects require. In tough times, preserving core functions when workloads are lighter.

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Surprising Homebuilder Advantage: MiTek has Emerged as the Go-To Partner for Builders Seeking Breakthrough Results

To better understand the challenges and opportunities now before the residential construction industry, consider 3416 Piedmont Avenue in Oakland, CA. Construction on this 17,000 sq ft, 4-story, multifamily structure was nearly scrapped. How the GC and engineering firm made it work is a lesson for any single-family or multifamily builder looking for a decisive design, efficiency, and safety edge. Read how they cut costs by a third and shaved two months off the delivery schedule.

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World-Class Style with Surprisingly Affordable Design:

Next-generation Peerless® Faucet reinvents what’s expected in the kitchen and bathroom

The challenges on multifamily owners and operators to attract and retain quality tenants have never been greater. Whether it’s renovating properties or constructing affordable market-rate housing, owners must balance resident expectations with NOI requirements. Read why Peerless® is an increasingly popular choice for design, quality and price in the multifamily space.

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2020 Vision for Multifamily Property Physical Security: Five Statistics to Focus Your Energy This Year

Property owners and managers like you are expected to answer some big questions as you create short and long-term strategies for your properties. To better understand the market need, Brivo and Security Management Magazine recently surveyed more than 500 security professionals on their vision to improve physical security practices and make better security decisions. This report shares the goals, challenges and positive impacts revealed in the survey.

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#BuildersAreEssential webinar series—The Future Is Now

We turn our attention to the role of innovation, data, and technology in matching people with their homes. This session will bring the very latest real-time consumer search and buyer behavior to light. Learn how home builders are compressing six years of innovation in moving customers from contact to contract in VR-and-AI-enabled, people friendly, friction-free processes, fit for post-COVID recovery.

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#BuildersAreEssential webinar series— The Big Reset—Supply, Demand, and Animal Spirits - Episode 5

Are we there yet? Have we hit bottom? What does recovery look like?

Watch a data-driven, evidence-based look at near- and longer term trends emerging from COVID-19, and what that means to cash, expenses, and mid-term investment. The key speakers include Robert Dietz, Chief Economist, NAHB and Ali Wolf, Chief Economist, Meyers Research.

A 6-part web town-hall series from the Hanley Wood Media Coronavirus Construction Center, #BuildersAreEssential explores what’s happening as the coronavirus pandemic sends shock waves through our society – on the public health front, through the very foundations of our economy, and at every level of the construction industry, which stands as one of society’s vital resource streams in good times and bad. We give voice, builder to builder, on what’s timely, how to respond, how to stay safe, and how to keep work in process moving forward in this time of great challenge.

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#BuildersAreEssential webinar series—Site Safety, Mid-COVID-19

Episode 4 of the #BuildersAreEssential webinar series—Site Safety, Mid-COVID-19—is now available on-demand. As economies—local, regional, and national—push to reopen, reset, and reboot the urgent new normal, here’s insight and resources on technology, tactics, process remapping, practices, scheduling, logistics to protect builder health and safety.

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Recession-Proof Your Business

Current global events and the ensuing economic pressures are forcing businesses to adapt in order to survive. The result is an economy built on businesses that have made themselves immune to the ravages of previous downturns. In order to thrive in today’s climate, technology is key. Cloud-based business management systems allow employees to work from anywhere and help streamline daily tasks. Businesses that pivot to embrace technological progress share evolutionary advantages.

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12 Ways to Compete Against the Big Boxes

It’s no secret that Big Box retailers have emerged in almost every sector, including lumber and hardware. The Big Boxes have changed retail by offering a large assortment of products and, due to the volume they process, lower prices. It’s also not a secret that the advent of the Big Box retailer has put independent establishments of all types out of business and forever changed many American communities. Read how many independents have survived this change by having a plan and competing intelligently for their business.

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Competing on Convenience: How to Win the Retail Race

The word “convenience” is becoming an important part of the customer experience and something that our industry can leverage to better compete with big box retailers. You have the industry expertise, dedication to customer service, and community involvement that gives you an edge over your competition. By making it even more convenient for customers to do business, you can improve loyalty.

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