A focus on green building standards and more stringent code requirements have led to the adoption of best practices in construction materials and methods. Among those is the use of more efficient insulation systems, air barriers and seamless monolithic roofing systems. Use of closed-cell spray polyurethane foam (ccSPF) can help meet the stringent requirements of modern, sustainable building design. ccSPF provides excellent performance and environmental benefits. Read more today.
Your Business OnLine
Your business information appears online in various directories whether you know it or not. Managing your own listings takes consistency and simplicity. To help keep your listings accurate let these "5 tips to effective online business listings" be your guide.
Lessons Learned: Expanding Brand and Gaining New Customers
East Coast Roofing is a roofing, siding, window and gutter contractor in New Jersey. Although a well-established brand in their local area, they lacked an effective online presence. See how they:
- Get 30 calls a month from their mobile site
- Increased website traffic by 20%
- Grew social media presence by over 180%
Breakthrough Precasting Production, Performance and Profits with Xtreme Series!
Find out why so many quality-minded contractors have made Surecrete their supplier of choice. We've pulled together the Top 10 reasons.
Icynene ProSeal Eco
Icynene ProSeal Eco is the world's first fully water-blown spray foam insulation. With no synthetic blowing agent, Icynene ProSeal Eco has significantly expanded the possibilities of commercial wall assembly applications. Watch this video now.
Icynene - Spray Foam Insulation
Howard Deck, President of ICYNENE, discusses the benefits of using high performance ICYNENE spray foam insulation in buildings and homes. Watch the video now.
Design/Build strategies to reduce the threat of moisture
In the design process few decisions have as many long-term implications for the performance and durability of a building as the choice of insulation. For the designer, builder and owner, insulation can and should play a multifaceted role that extends far beyond those noticeable or expected benefits, such as energy savings, comfort and enhanced indoor air quality. Insulation, in combination with good detailing and quality control, can play a preventive role by minimizing the chances that things could go wrong.
Improving commercial building performance and sustainability
A unique opportunity is at hand for commercial architects to shape a healthier and more energy efficient future of commercial building design and construction. Commercial buildings account for 18% of the nation’s energy use and nearly 18% of our greenhouse gas emissions. Improving their performance is a key priority for building owners and operators. Low-density spray foam insulation like ICYNENE can play a major role in this effort, offering compelling reasons to go beyond the code to create buildings that exceed expectations for comfort, performance and functionality.
Avid® 3.0 - Tools To Win Today's Connected Buyers
According to the National Association of Realtors, 9 out of 10 homebuyers use the Internet to shop for homes. As a builder, it is imperative to adapt your company to this upward trend, delivering a single web experience to prospective clients. See how Avid 3.0® has revolutionized the way builders are selling homes. "GoSurvey®, GoSocial®, and GoTour® enhance the customer experience, cultivate good reviews, captivate prospects, and harness the power of the Internet to capture greater market share."
Enervex Venting Design Solutions
Learn the importance of proper ventilation and other benefits from selecting an Enervex Chimney Fan. See how you can attain:
- Greater Efficiency
- Lower electricity costs
- Ease of installation
- Easy owner maintenance