Using Data to Design Great Cities

Learn how the latest geographic information systems (GIS) technology can help create happier, healthier, more prosperous cities. Research has always played an important role in what architects, designers, and urban planners do.

As we more closely examine equity and sustainability—and how to make our cities better places for everyone to live, work, play—research is especially important. In this Session ARCHITECT's Editor-in-Chief discusses projects driven in part by research using tech tools, including GIS.

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The Hearth and The Human Connection To Fire

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. This course will examine how the element of fire changed the trajectory of human evolution, society, and the nature of our built environments. Learners will look at safety technology that exists in the fireplace category to prevent building fires and protect end-users. The course will explore the physical and mental health benefits of gathering near a fireplace.

The course will discuss the environmental impact of carbon emitting hearth products on indoor and outdoor air quality and related EPA regulations. Content will include the latest innovations in the fireplace category related to aesthetics, performance, comfort-control, and occupant well-being. Key planning criteria and strategies to mitigate specifier liability will be reviewed.


The Architect's Guide to Client Onboarding: Crafting Winning Proposals & Contracts

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. The proposal is the pivotal part in the client onboarding process, a gateway that holds the power to set the stage for a successful project journey. However, in the world of architecture and engineering, there's no one-size-fits-all proposal. Join Founder of Teiger Consulting and architectural entrepreneur Douglas Teiger, FAIA, in this comprehensive course where he’ll dive deep into the art of crafting compelling proposals that resonate with each unique project and client.

Explore the anatomy of a proposal, unravel the nuanced differences between proposals and contracts, and gain mastery in sculpting terms and conditions that seamlessly transform your proposal into a rock-solid contract. Discover the invaluable benefits of leveraging AIA agreements, setting the standard for professional excellence.

Join Douglas as he guides you through the critical link between your proposal and project setup, illuminating the path to seamless project execution and embarks with you on a journey to craft winning proposals and contracts that lay the foundation for client success. By the end of this session, you'll possess the knowledge and tools to navigate the intricate realm of client onboarding with confidence and excellence.


Slate Reimagined: The Surprising Advantages of Slate Rainscreen Cladding

Time-honored material offers a bold new expression of architectural excellence. Read why slate is an ideal cladding solution for numerous applications. In an industry and design environment where so many materials ask architects, contractors and owners to make difficult sustainability, performance and aesthetic decisions, consider how the simplicity and elegance of a reimagined building material presents a way forward with minimal compromise.

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Atomic Habits for Architecture Professionals: Secrets that Boost Productivity & Profits

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. In the bestselling book Atomic Habits, James Clear illustrates that the key to unlocking significant improvements in our lives lies in small, incremental changes, emphasizing systems over goals for sustained progress. This webinar explores how integrating technologies into our daily routines, guided by Clear's four laws of behavior change (make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying), can transform our work processes and architecture firm’s culture. By adopting a mindset shift towards seeing ourselves not just as design professionals, but as innovators, we align technology with our identity, ensuring its seamless adoption.

Join the founder of The Well-Designed Firm and former Chief Creative Officer of BQE Software, Steven Burns, FAIA, as he shares actionable insights on fostering a culture that embraces experimentation and learning, illustrating how these atomic habits can compound to achieve remarkable growth. Discover how to leverage these principles to propel your firm forward by letting automation and technology handle the heavy lifting, saving you hours per week!
