Air sealing is now an important part of achieving energy efficiency, and choosing the right insulation is key to achieving air tightness and performance. To reduce air infiltration and achieve an energy-efficient building, the gaps in the building’s thermal enclosure must be sealed properly.
Video: Ekotrope for Production Home Builders
Instantly compare thousands of home designs, and optimize for lower costs, energy efficiency and better business results. Cut construction costs and sell more energy-related upgrades. Learn More.
Reach more of your customers
You know your business. We know the web. Watch this quick video to learn how we can reach more of your customers on the web.
Towson City Center developers use Mitsubishi VRF system
The Mitsubishi Electric VRF zoning system exceeded efficiency expectations in the redevelopment of this Silver high-rise.
SilentFX Noise-Reducing Gypsum Board
SilentFX®, featuring Green Glue® and M2Tech® technology, is a noise-reducing gypsum board specifically designed for systems requiring high STC ratings where acoustic management is needed.
Learn how to install one-piece PVC column wrap
Install VERSATEX - VERSAWRAP PVC One-piece column wraps in seven easy steps.
Your Business OnLine
Your business information appears online in various directories whether you know it or not. Managing your own listings takes consistency and simplicity. To help keep your listings accurate let these "5 tips to effective online business listings" be your guide.
Icynene ProSeal Eco
Icynene ProSeal Eco is the world's first fully water-blown spray foam insulation. With no synthetic blowing agent, Icynene ProSeal Eco has significantly expanded the possibilities of commercial wall assembly applications. Watch this video now.
Icynene - Spray Foam Insulation
Howard Deck, President of ICYNENE, discusses the benefits of using high performance ICYNENE spray foam insulation in buildings and homes. Watch the video now.
Avid® 3.0 - Tools To Win Today's Connected Buyers
According to the National Association of Realtors, 9 out of 10 homebuyers use the Internet to shop for homes. As a builder, it is imperative to adapt your company to this upward trend, delivering a single web experience to prospective clients. See how Avid 3.0® has revolutionized the way builders are selling homes. "GoSurvey®, GoSocial®, and GoTour® enhance the customer experience, cultivate good reviews, captivate prospects, and harness the power of the Internet to capture greater market share."