Build Your LBMH Business for Success in Any Economy

Economic forces pressure businesses to adapt in order to survive. The result is an economy built on businesses that have made themselves immune to downturns. For the lumber, building materials, and hardware industry, the outcome has been a movement toward technological progress. LBMH businesses that have seized market share following shifts in the economy have shared common evolutionary advantages.

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Cash Is King: Improving Cash Flow with Efficient Accounts Receivable

The relationship between a company’s profitability and its cash flow isn’t always fully understood. Many businesses tend to manage operations from the bottom line, believing that if sales are increasing, the business is profitable and success is guaranteed. The problem with this thinking is that businesses don’t pay their vendors from the bottom line, they pay from positive cash flow. Read more about improving cash flow with effective Accounts Receivable.

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EBook - 7 Myths of Cloud Computing: Debunked!

There remains a great deal of uncertainty among business owners about whether moving to a cloud-based solution is right for their businesses. Let’s examine the myths holding businesses back from moving to the cloud.

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Achieving Growth During a Labor Shortage

There’s a shortage of labor in the lumber and building materials (LBM) industry. If you’re an LBM dealer or distributor not affected by the labor shortage, chances are your customers—or your peers—are. It has created opportunities for businesses to find creative ways to do more with less. Technology is proving to be a valuable asset, and is helping dealers and distributors position themselves as the manufacturers and suppliers of choice for their customers. In this eBook see how this labor shortage came about and look at the impact it’s had on the industry.

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How to Outperform in an Era of LBM Sales Growth

Discover strategies and tools used by top LBM dealers and distributors to capitalize on periods of growth to become more efficient, more profitable, and better positioned competitively. If your business isn’t growing faster than your competitors’ business, you’re losing market share. And it’s relative growth that counts - because relative growth impacts your purchasing power, customer perception, and competitive positioning.

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How to Know When You’ve Outgrown Your Current Software Solution

If you’ve started to think your lumber and building materials (LBM) supply business could be getting more from your software solution, then this document may provide some food for thought. The relationship between your business and your software solution are clear. Software system upgrades are not decisions to take lightly. Read these 10 indicators that you have outgrown your current solution and ready to move on to a new option.

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Seven Steps to Achieving Loyal LBM Customers

It makes good business sense to treat your customers well and keep them coming back. It’s likely no secret to you that loyal customers are important to the success of your LBM business. What you may not know is that small changes in your behavior can have a huge impact. Using data and capabilities of this industry leading business management software can improve customer experience and, consequently, customer loyalty.

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Increasing Sales Performance Using Mobile Technologies

Mobile sales technologies can turn go-betweens into top sales people. For most lumber and building materials (LBM) dealers and distributors, their outside sales people are critical to the success of their company. As the company’s eyes and ears on jobsites, outside sales people often find opportunities and foster the company’s relationships with key contractors and builders, architects and other construction supply companies.

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Trends in Windows & Doors: BIG is the window and door trend

Doors and windows have been expanding in size over the past several years, and there seems to be no end in sight. The 10-foot door is the new normal, while window walls can open up the whole side of a room to the outside, and windows mulled together can create a viewing plane of immense proportions.

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DOE: Building America Solution Center - Energy Star Windows

Select and install high-performance windows, preferably windows that are ENERGY STAR rated or that meet or exceed the ENERGY STAR program requirements for windows, doors, and skylights. If you are seeking certification under the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes program or the U.S. Department of Energy's Zero Energy Ready Home program, read this for more specific guidance.

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