Minimalism is a philosophy of simplicity that’s taken off since the pandemic. More homeowners are demanding minimalist kitchen designs, but what does that mean – and what does it look like? This course will explore the concepts of minimalism and minimalist design, trends shaping modern kitchen design and use, and how minimalist design can be used to increase and improve the functionality of the kitchen. Finally, learners will review the role of luxury appliances in a minimalist kitchen and how to specify appliances to meet changing consumer needs.

Learning Objectives

  • Examine generational and societal changes that have led to the rise of minimalism as a design aesthetic.
  • Explore how kitchens have changed and why there has been a move toward minimalist kitchen design.
  • Review design elements of a minimalist kitchen and understand how they can be incorporated into smaller kitchens as well>
  • Discover how to specify kitchen appliances that will maximize style in a minimalist kitchen.

Pre-Requisite: Basic knowledge of kitchen design.