Managing your online presence is an import part of your marketing strategy. Here is an update on what is trending now to help keep it simple.
Selling Homes Online: An Inside Look At Builders' Experiences
In this editorial webinar, Symone Strong, associate editor at BUILDER speaks with Ronda Conger, VP of CBH Homes and Kevin Oakley, managing partner at Do You Convert to answer questions about the current status and future of online home buying.
Discussion centers around their real-life experiences implementing a web based home buying strategy, how they overcame their biggest challenges and advice for others who are interested in this lucrative venture.
Why Avenue5 Residential Replaced Deposits With Lease Insurance Portfolio-Wide
Faced with constantly changing legislation and renter affordability issues, multifamily operator Avenue5 Residential, found security deposits and their alternatives to be a suboptimal practice that left their properties exposed to risk and added extra work for their teams. In effort to solve these issues, the operator selected LeaseLock as its exclusive national vendor to replace deposits portfolio-wide.
With LeaseLock's fully integrated lease insurance, Avenue5 gained stronger loss protection, alleviated administrative burdens for property teams, and created more affordable move-ins for their residents.
Download the case study to get the full scoop on Avenue5's decision-making process and performance outcomes.
Figuring Out Your Sales Funnel
Knowing where you leads are coming from and how they got to you will help you turn potential prospects into active customers.
Why Should a Homeowner Choose You
Homeowners narrowing their contractor search have lots of options. Here is what you need to do to in order to stand out from the competition.
How to Handle Negative Reviews
A negative review will not be the demise of your business, provided you know how to handle it. Learn how to neutralize unenthusiastic commentary.
Creating a More Effective Sales Pitch
Making people understand your value is an essential part of closing the deal. Here are the steps you need to take to make your sales pitch bulletproof.
Amenity Trends that Boost Resident Satisfaction
From resident retention to attracting the best leasing candidates, amenities are the key. To be successful you need to stay informed on the latest trends. This paper will help you create value through offerings and improvements.
The Power of Connection
Broadband gives multifamily properties the competitive edge with renters, but there is more. From operations and management to the financial advantage, this paper answers your questions.
Contractor's Corner: 7 Ways to Happy Customers and Getting Paid Faster
Are you having issues getting paid for your work? It may not be what you think. Dive into the common reasons why customers don't pay on-time and what you can do about it.