Bringing Manufacturing Home — and What It Means for U.S. Builders

Supply chain management is critical for controlling costs, keeping on schedule and project success. In this 30-minute editorial webinar you will learn about reshoring to resolve supply chain issues and how it provides supply consistency for American builders.

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Setting GWP Budgets for Concrete Buildings with LCA Based Carbon Accounting Tools

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. Design professionals have always addressed issues of performance, budgets, and aesthetics. Now they are also being asked to evaluate the environmental burdens of their material choices. Every design decision can have an impact on the environment. The methods used to evaluate those decisions can often be misunderstood. This presentation examines the process of quantifying the true global warming potential (GWP) to accurately inform the true impacts of building material choices.

Tools like the web based NRMCA Concrete Carbon Calculator help concrete producers, contractors and design teams to collaborate on setting carbon budgets on projects and compares baseline projects to proposed projects to exceed embodied carbon reduction goals. Step-by-step details will demonstrate how to use the tool to set a carbon budget and write a specification that allows for the lowest possible carbon footprint for the ready mixed concrete proposed for various projects.


Copper is at Our CORE

By combining old world craftsmanship with modern day practices, Fabral provides the highest quality and affordable products you demand. With un-matched service and engineers on staff, you can order copper with ease. We have the products, the manufacturing and the know-how. We offer everything you need for the total building envelope solution. At our core, we relish a challenge.

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The Architect's Guide to Client Onboarding: Crafting Winning Proposals & Contracts

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. The proposal is the pivotal part in the client onboarding process, a gateway that holds the power to set the stage for a successful project journey. However, in the world of architecture and engineering, there's no one-size-fits-all proposal. Join Founder of Teiger Consulting and architectural entrepreneur Douglas Teiger, FAIA, in this comprehensive course where he’ll dive deep into the art of crafting compelling proposals that resonate with each unique project and client.

Explore the anatomy of a proposal, unravel the nuanced differences between proposals and contracts, and gain mastery in sculpting terms and conditions that seamlessly transform your proposal into a rock-solid contract. Discover the invaluable benefits of leveraging AIA agreements, setting the standard for professional excellence.

Join Douglas as he guides you through the critical link between your proposal and project setup, illuminating the path to seamless project execution and embarks with you on a journey to craft winning proposals and contracts that lay the foundation for client success. By the end of this session, you'll possess the knowledge and tools to navigate the intricate realm of client onboarding with confidence and excellence.


Go Mobile and Increase Profits

Construction firms are faced with unique communication challenges between the field and office. Fortunately today?s mobile applications allow companies to simplify the capture of information from the field and updating that data in their accounting and project management systems. Learn how mobile solutions are changing the way leading contractors increase productivity _ and profits.

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Stay on Top of Time Worked on Any Project

With multiple teams handling different aspects of a job, tracking hours worked and accurately inputting that data can be plagued with errors. Viewpoint's Mobile Time application allows employees to quickly enter time from remote locations and the office team can easily track labor hours and costs generated, providing management visibility into the state of the project.

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Accurate Production Information from the Field

Mobile Production® is an innovative application for your mobile device that allows you to quickly and accurately enter and track production units in the field, which are then aggregated in Field Work Center? until they are uploaded to the job cost module. Mobile Production users can view daily and job-to-date totals and track performance against budget, ensuring optimal productivity with your projects.

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Learn How Mobile Equipment® Saves Time

Stay on top of the operating hours of all equipment on any project in the field. Getting equipment time from the field is a real challenge for contractors looking to maintain accurate operating records. Mobile Equipment® is an innovative application for your phone or tablet that enables you to quickly and accurately enter and track your equipment hours in the field.

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Fast, Accurate Data Collection from the Field

It has never been easier to gather your resource information from the field using today's most popular mobile devices and sending that data directly to your office. Field Work Center? is a software application that enables you to review and approve data from the field prior to updating your construction accounting system. Field Work Center? provides peace-of-mind by being able to confirm and validate data from remote locations.

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Building Community through Housing, Sustainability, and Design

Housing represents one of the greatest challenges we face within the architectural profession and society as a whole. Innovative design is essential to the evolution of the multi-family housing market. Architects and designers are a major part of the solution—designing new and reimagining existing buildings in beautiful, sustainable, and cost-effective ways.

In this session, we discuss a range of projects that exemplify architectural ingenuity in affordable housing. One of the highlighted projects features modular sunscreen/rainscreen walls, an architectural solution which enhances both the projects' aesthetics and residents' sense of community.

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