Induction Cooktop video

This video explains the functions, benefits and the technology that makes induction cooktops a safer, more efficient alternative to traditional gas and electric models.

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Understanding Federal Standards for Residential Water Heaters — An Analysis of Energy, Economics, and Emissions

Water heaters are the second-largest energy user in the home, costing residents hundreds of dollars each year. In 2015, the U.S. Department of Energy updated the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) standards, which increased water heater efficiency requirements and drove major product changes in the U.S. market. NAECA standards include federal regulations for water heater minimum efficiency levels. Against this backdrop of updated standards, products, and decision-making factors, this course will review a detailed analysis of water-heating systems.

This analysis compares water-heating technologies based on their energy, economic, and environmental performance, with a focus on the performance of propane-based systems relative to electric and heating oil alternatives. The course also reviews the federal standards for water heaters and describes the market implications for both new construction and replacements.


Emergency Preparedness — Risk and Resilience Planning with Propane (Print Course)

The world is experiencing an increase in extreme weather events due to climate change, which results in more power outages and stressed energy infrastructure. Energy resiliency and decarbonization efforts are expanding due to frequent and intense weather events, the influences of economic and political pressure, consumer interest, and technological advances.

This course will discuss the importance of emergency preparedness and current approaches to power generation and grid resiliency. It will then examine how propane can be used for energy generation, backup power, fuel conservation, and resiliency planning.


The Sustainability of Synthetic Materials Used for Decking, Trim and Patio Projects

Resilience has become a central idea for assessing how our social, economic, technical, constructed, engineered, and ecological systems can withstand and bounce back from a man-made or weather- and climate-related disaster. Globally, wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, typhoons, high winds, hail, coastal and valley flooding, sea level rise, heat waves, seismic activity, extreme cold, ice storms, and snow melt have destroyed ecosystems, caused loss of life, damaged property, disrupted healthcare and financial networks, and in some cases, brought essential services to a halt. During this presentation, we’ll discuss the composition, performance, and application of engineered polymer siding and trim and capped polymer cladding to illustrate the benefits to home and building owners when construction materials are selected with resilience and sustainability in mind.


The Art of Terra Cotta & Color

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. This one-hour program explores the art of terra cotta, beginning with a quick overview of the manufacturing process, covering the natural variation in clay tile along with the glazing techniques to achieve the desired color.

This course also focuses on the color selection and matching process to custom and historic profiles. The course provides several case studies comparing the original tiles to the new terra cotta replacements.


Dual-Fuel Energy Systems: Best Practices and Code Considerations

Energy codes are constantly changing across the country, hear architecture and building pros discuss their experiences specifying dual-fuel systems, including reliability and energy-efficiency.

Learn more about these solutions that include propane within the context of other energy sources, plus how to address code compliance.

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Pre-Design to Post-Construction: Strategies That Maximize Profits For Architects

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. Are you an architect seeking to enhance your client and project management abilities while securing long-term success for your firm?

The primary objective for every firm is to generate value. This value stems from the loyalty and trust you cultivate with your clients. From initial interactions with potential clients to delivering exceptional service through effective project management, your responsibilities extend far beyond the completion of a project.

This webinar reviews each step of the ideal project process and includes 10 strategies your firm can implement to achieve financial stability and increase profit margins, which will not only alleviate financial stress but enable your firm to recruit top talent, attract the right clients, and grow.


Electric Vehicle Charging: Multi-Family Properties

Electric vehicle sales in the U.S. will clear 4 million in 2023. Is your property EV ready?

Learn more about fully-integrated and flexible charging solutions to help attract and retain residents, plus earn revenue.

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Café Collection Video

Customizable appliances that range from modern to traditional, comfortable to contemporary. Check out these fresh ideas and stylish options for your clients looking to make a statement with their kitchen design.

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Optimizing Design and Construction with Off-Site Components and 3D Modeling

There are numerous challenges facing the construction industry today, but the building process can be optimized with a collaborative design process leveraging advanced components like floors, roofs, and wall systems. An off site construction approach empowers designers to embed off site methods and solutions into the design phase. Harnessing the power of 3D design and building information modeling (BIM) can also help to overcome industry challenges by providing a streamlined, more efficient process.

This course will explore how adopting the design-make-build process, advanced components, and 3D technology creates a common ground that guides each design decision and optimizes construction.
