Decision Making at the Best Run AE Firms

Across every part of the firm, AE organizations have more information than ever. The opportunity is to transform that raw transactional data into insights and intelligence that in turn informs every core decision the firm makes. Deltek has looked at how AE firms can best bring the benefits of BI to their organizations and offers three recommendations: top-down support and enforcement, set appropriate metrics, and focus on project management.

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Building a Culture of Better Project Management

Good Project Management is the best way for AE firms to increase client satisfaction, build internal talent and improve understanding of their project success. With the right tools and communication in place, firms can implement and nurture a culture of strong Project Management, leading to the ultimate in project and firm profitability. Deltek provides end-to-end insight on how to nurture change management within your firm.

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Sales cycles can be long in this industry. Maintaining a positive impression and providing value to potential clients in the absence of active project work will pay dividends in the long run. Learn how to attain a high level of sustained success.

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SMB Case for Expense Management Automation

For SMB leaders, time, money, and organizational focus must be balanced to ensure that the short-term needs of the business are addressed and that the long-term goals of the business can be realized. Inefficient expense management processes present a host of challenges for the typical SMB, but automated expense management solutions that help companies streamline processes, control costs and manage cash are one lever to help maximize their resources and ?play bigger? in the market.

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Concur SMB Expense Policy Template

Creating an expense policy can be a time-consuming process; but when you consider that almost 20% of travel and entertainment expenses fall outside of policy for many small businesses, it makes sense to invest the time and effort. This white paper from Concur provides tips for creating an expense policy as well as a sample policy template to help you get started.

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Avoiding the Shoebox: Managing Expenses in Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

For small businesses, the need for an expense claim solution can go beyond travel and entertainment expense management to everyday business expenses. Managing these expenses can have a major impact on a business when discrepancies are found. Find out how to efficiently control costs, optimize cash flow and discover the role automation plays in this process.

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Secrets of Multiplying Home Remodeling Profits

Simply adding kitchen and laundry room appliances to your project quotes keeps your project moving and your profits climbing.

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The Architect's Guide to Client Onboarding: Crafting Winning Proposals & Contracts

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. The proposal is the pivotal part in the client onboarding process, a gateway that holds the power to set the stage for a successful project journey. However, in the world of architecture and engineering, there's no one-size-fits-all proposal. Join Founder of Teiger Consulting and architectural entrepreneur Douglas Teiger, FAIA, in this comprehensive course where he’ll dive deep into the art of crafting compelling proposals that resonate with each unique project and client.

Explore the anatomy of a proposal, unravel the nuanced differences between proposals and contracts, and gain mastery in sculpting terms and conditions that seamlessly transform your proposal into a rock-solid contract. Discover the invaluable benefits of leveraging AIA agreements, setting the standard for professional excellence.

Join Douglas as he guides you through the critical link between your proposal and project setup, illuminating the path to seamless project execution and embarks with you on a journey to craft winning proposals and contracts that lay the foundation for client success. By the end of this session, you'll possess the knowledge and tools to navigate the intricate realm of client onboarding with confidence and excellence.


Go Mobile and Increase Profits

Construction firms are faced with unique communication challenges between the field and office. Fortunately today?s mobile applications allow companies to simplify the capture of information from the field and updating that data in their accounting and project management systems. Learn how mobile solutions are changing the way leading contractors increase productivity _ and profits.

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Stay on Top of Time Worked on Any Project

With multiple teams handling different aspects of a job, tracking hours worked and accurately inputting that data can be plagued with errors. Viewpoint's Mobile Time application allows employees to quickly enter time from remote locations and the office team can easily track labor hours and costs generated, providing management visibility into the state of the project.

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