Designing and Building High Performance Homes with Propane

This course will explore how propane is effectively used in residential construction, specifically for: space heating, water heating, cooking, clothes drying, fireplaces, power generation and outdoor living. Today, several innovative technologies make propane a reliable, versatile and affordable choice for homes.

Throughout the US, in areas without affordable access to natural gas, high-performance propane energy applications are being installed in homes to meet efficiency requirements for tax credits, green building codes and sustainable building programs.


Compliance Testing for Face Brick (Print Course)

Facing brick are intended for use in both structural and nonstructural masonry, including veneer, where appearance is a requirement. Face brick are not only used for structural purposes and aesthetics, they also increase energy efficiency and are economical. You’ve likely specified face brick on homes, commercial buildings, fireplaces, entry walls/gates, multifamily developments, retail developments, and schools/universities. It comes in a wide selection of color, texture, and size options for a customized look and feel. Specifically intended for long-term application, face brick requires little maintenance and minimizes the amount of energy needed to heat and cool a building.


What's Behind the Rising Demand for Universal Design?

If the concept of universal design brings to mind images of a slab-on-grade house with medical-grade adaptations, a peek inside the 2021 Southern Living Showcase Home might surprise you.

This discussion covers how the rise of multigenerational homes and the desire to age in place are prompting the design & build community to meet growing demand for accessible homes - plus how to integrate these features into aesthetically pleasing designs.

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3 Tasks to Add to Your To-Do List This Fall

Focus on these three tasks this fall and get a jump start on a more lucrative 2023.

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Fire Features Deliver Key Biophilic Design Goals

Create natural connections and health benefits within the built environment through thoughtfully-designed custom fireplaces. By including fire features within a biophilic-centered design approach, there are opportunities for infusing a space with natural elements that are visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile. Custom fire features not only deliver ambiance, social centering, and visual captivation - but also create an element of relaxation and harmony that is essential to biophilic design.

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The Calming Architecture of Color and Fire

Achieve dynamic multisensory features of light, color, heat, and sound through fire which promotes physical and mental wellness. A fire feature crafted to be harmonious with the overall design intention offers comfort, calm, and security in the built environment. For your clients and projects striving for interior spaces that support a wellness mission, the sensory principles of a fire can help deliver the overall impression and provide the health-inducing benefits they desire.

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Fall Selling Strategies

Add these sales strategies to your 4th quarter to-do list to increase sales and add projects to your calendar.

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Design Directions

In their exploration of post-pandemic design direction, ARCHITECT Editor-in-Chief Paul Makovsky and Design Director and futurist, Royce Epstein delve into topics of Hybridization (redefining work/live), Sustainability (nature and culture), and the Metaverse and Tech (designing beyond the physical). See what they found.

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Multidimensional Feature Wall Designs for Pools, Spas and Saunas

Create a bold statement with customizable walls and water features to enhance the pool, spa and sauna experience. Mario Romano has perfected the art of digital fabrication with textured walls that present modern, peaceful designs for your next pool project.

The exclusive line of wall surfaces made with Corian® Solid Surface brings the intricate to life - turning your space into a work of art.

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Finding the Right Touch Point: How Multifamily Can Meet the Resident Expectations of Renters by Choice

Jamie Gorski, SVP and Chief Experience Officer at GID, discusses meeting the needs of the more affluent renter. Hear her insights and lessons on navigating the changing rental environment and what she has discovered about this demographic that is helping to keep their large portfolio tenanted.

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