XL Porcelain Tile: An Overview of Applications, Advantages, Limitations, and Installation Considerations

When choosing flooring and wall coverings, XL porcelain tiles are a practical and eye-catching option that can provide a range of benefits, including a seamless look with fewer grout lines and easy cleaning. They can be used on floors, walls, countertops, and more.

This course will provide an introduction to this versatile product and explore its applications and advantages as well as its limitations. Technical and installation considerations will be explored in detail, including best practices and supplies needed.


Profit by Design: A Financial Bootcamp for AE Leaders

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. This bootcamp-style webinar is designed to enhance the financial acumen of AE executives and professionals, offering foundational knowledge and practical strategies to empower your financial management skills. During the session, you will learn how to interpret crucial financial statements, harness technology for efficient financial management, and master the art of budgeting and forecasting.

Additionally, you will gain insights into project cost management and optimizing profitability, while also discovering strategies for improving cash flow management through client relationships and automation. As an attendee, you will have access to interactive polls and valuable downloadable resources to accelerate your financial mastery with your team far beyond the 60 minutes we will spend together.
