Go to Class on Glass - Designs for Different Home Aesthetics

Glass can add unique character to any space. This paper highlights seven types of glass, helping you understand its versatility and benefits as well as showcasing ways to integrate it onto your projects.

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Selling Sustainability - Increasing Property Value with Eco-Friendly Homes

Energy-efficient homes offer homeowners a wide range of benefits. They are also good for business, selling for up to 7% more than their non-energy efficient counterparts. Here are six project ideas that will help you stay up to date on the latest eco-friendly trends and strategies.

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Setting GWP Budgets for Concrete Buildings with LCA Based Carbon Accounting Tools

This On Demand CEU is a recorded presentation from a previously live webinar event. Design professionals have always addressed issues of performance, budgets, and aesthetics. Now they are also being asked to evaluate the environmental burdens of their material choices. Every design decision can have an impact on the environment. The methods used to evaluate those decisions can often be misunderstood. This presentation examines the process of quantifying the true global warming potential (GWP) to accurately inform the true impacts of building material choices.

Tools like the web based NRMCA Concrete Carbon Calculator help concrete producers, contractors and design teams to collaborate on setting carbon budgets on projects and compares baseline projects to proposed projects to exceed embodied carbon reduction goals. Step-by-step details will demonstrate how to use the tool to set a carbon budget and write a specification that allows for the lowest possible carbon footprint for the ready mixed concrete proposed for various projects.


2024 Annual Report - The State of the Residential Construction Industry

This report is the product of over 1800 interviews used to gather a deeper insight into the residential construction industry. It uncovers key issues and emerging trends and provides the data so building companies can benchmark their business against industry standards and discover how the most successful companies systemize and grow operations.

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Reshaping Residential Design and Beyond: 6 Key Trends and the Influences Behind Them

From rusticated design to office-residential conversions, hear more about architectural trends and the forces behind them.

In this wide-ranging discussion we review six key trends—and how they're informing the future of design. The latest take on biophilic design; how are customization and individualization evolving; will circularity become a more important aspect of sustainability. Find out in this Studio Session.

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Heating Oil Conversion: Exploring Propane as a Viable Alternative Energy Source

Heating oil, also known as fuel oil or Number 2 oil, has been a popular choice for homeowners since the early 1900s. As an alternative to coal or wood as a fuel source for boilers and domestic hot water production, heating oil proved to be a reliable, clean, and economical choice for millions of consumers, especially in the Northeast where other fuel types were often more difficult to acquire or were more expensive.

But it is not an environmentally conscious fuel choice. Propane gas has the same remote fuel benefit, coupled with fewer emissions and higher efficiency equipment. This course details economic and environmental reasons why switching from heating oil to propane is a good choice for homeowners, residential builders or remodelers.


Finding Design and Construction Efficiencies with Integrated Weather Barrier Systems

Innovative integrated weather barrier systems that combine structural oriented strand board (OSB) sheathing with an air- and water-resistive barrier not only result in a high-performance building envelope, but they also allow project teams to find efficiencies in design and construction. This course will discuss the components of integrated weather-resistive barrier (WRBs) sheathings, important design details you must be aware of to meet stringent building codes, and how these products can extend a building’s lifecycle and maximize its energy efficiency. We will also examine a new time and labor study that demonstrates how an integrated air- and water-resistive barrier sheathing system can be installed more efficiently than a typical building wrap over OSB sheathing and how this system results in a more energy-efficient structure.


Room to Breathe - Designing Homes that Balance Togetherness and Privacy

Based on design trends that have evolved with the uptick in multi-generation living and spending more, as well as longer periods of time in our homes, this paper showcases design elements that are keyed in to making spaces more functional for today’s consumers.

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Propane as a Solution to Meeting Code and Above-Code Programs – Using High Efficiency Propane Systems as a Compliance Strategy

Nothing is driving greater change in the home building industry than energy efficiency, but prior to 2015 the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) didn’t address mechanical equipment such as furnaces and water heaters. The 2015 IECC now includes a new compliance path called the Energy Rating Index allowing builders more choices in how to meet the energy code. This course will take a closer look at how high efficiency propane equipment such as furnaces and water heaters provide flexibility in meeting 2015 IECC standards and help reduce a home’s HERS Index, in addition to helping projects gain points in above-code programs such as LEED and the National Green Building Standard.


Propane-Enabled Solutions for Commercial Buildings in Rural Areas

This course will discuss how architects and business owners can achieve outstanding performance and low-cost operation by incorporating high-efficiency, low-emission propane appliances into commercial new builds or retrofits.

We will discuss the challenges of designing commercial buildings in rural areas, especially those that do not have natural gas service, and how propane can help to meet resilience and sustainability goals, and maximize health, wellness, and occupant comfort. In addition, this course will explore applications for propane in different commercial building types, as well as case studies where propane was used.
